The law is here to defend liars!

All my life, sharing details of my life has been an issue for me. I was always the listener, the problem solver for everyone else but myself.

People always saw me as the smart girl with the good sense of humor, that always finds a way to laugh even in the darkest times. Others saw me as mysterious and dark... and did not like it.

I am a very complex person. I am not easy to get to know... as anyone else, I can easily be judged for what I am or am not.  When I was younger, prejudice bothered me a lot... Nowadays, I let it slide. I let people say whatever makes them feel good about themselves... and I don't bother correct them nor prove myself to anyone. It's too much energy wasted on nothing productive. I don't aim to please... I aim to change a few things... small things... remind people of what really matters in life.

I don't care about wealth, cars, houses, designer clothing and all that jazz... All I care about is being a human being, in full. Not forgetting feelings, human interaction, care, helping others... no matter how tough things might get in my own life, to remember that if one plate of food is enough for one, it's definitely enough for two, maybe even three.

It's not easy to be humane in a world ruled by bigots, liars, cheaters, corrupt minds... But I have held my ground so far. I have been pushed to all my limits, I came close to breaking under the weight, and I don't even think I ever had a chance to breathe and enjoy a day... in my short life... yet again, I look back and remember all those I made smiling possible for... all those who trusted me, all those who looked up to me and wanted to be like me... all those who hated me as well... for no reason... for they gave me a clear image of what I never want to be. They kept me focused on evolving into a better version of myself. They helped me thicken my own skin to handle their claws and poison throughout the years. 

Funny thing is, all the hurt in my life came from people I kept too close to me...

I never had a big family, it was just my father and me... until he passed away and now I am alone. His sudden death almost brought me to my knees. I also had a husband, he was rarely in the picture.. he had different plans for me... inhumane ones... and when I decided to stand up for myself and say enough! The world stood against me instead.

I don't intend to play the victim. I have been and still am one, but I have too much dignity and pride to admit it. But lately I am at the edge of my wits. I have lost the trust I had given... I have lost the love as well... I have been backstabbed over and over and over again... My wounds have been cut open, poked and probed daily so they would never heal... and still I stand, hardheaded and full of will to stand up and fight. My last fight maybe... but it's for freedom, it's for the humanity that's left in me, it's a fight for the truth, it's a fight for human rights.

I stand alone, completely alone. I have no one, and no one can fight my battles for me. Not even a lawyer... The truth is my weapon, but what value does it have when the law believes liars instead?!


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