Black Friday and Holiday Frenzies!

I cannot even be bothered with any sort of end of year holidays madness... I never was, and I don't think I ever will be. I will probably just celebrate being alive over a glass of wine, and that's that. See y'all next year!

And everything came crashing down...

Losing people hurts... it hurts deeply, it saddens and makes one lose interest in living... lose interest in the simplest joys of life... it changes one... no matter how hard one tries to overcome the situation, the impact may not show instantly... but it will come sooner or later, in any shape or form... it will hit you on a scale from 1 to 1000 on a Richter scale... you'd better get ready for it and there is nowhere to hide from it.

However, the show must go on. As long as we are living we might as well be alive, feel alive... what's the difference you might ask? Living is not just about having a heartbeat, eating and breathing... one needs to feel alive, to enjoy life. To look forward to waking up the next day knowing that there is something exciting that might or will happen!

Do you have something to look forward to tomorrow? How about the fact that you are still alive itself...
How about adding some purpose to every single day... no matter how miserable your life is... (or you think it is). There is no person without a story and no person without a hidden pain, big or small... even those born with a silver spoon in their mouth suffer... maybe even suffer the most...
Why not be selfless tomorrow? Do a good deed to a stranger... call an old friend that you haven't spoken to in ages... or visit a random orphanage... or an elderly home... or even a hospital... put a smile on someone's face tomorrow... pick a flower from somewhere and offer it to a complete stranger... feed a bird a piece of your sandwich... chase a butterfly... look up at the sky and watch the clouds pass by... listen to the sound of the wind caressing the leaves on the trees... block out all the noise and try to focus on the essence of life, on what matters... on the little things that make the biggest impact. Touch someone's life tomorrow... Think of someone other than yourself... forget about what you will eat, wear, look like, say... do... for a while... just be. BE...

Life is too short... so let's just simplify.

Just saying!


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