They ask me why I wear black.

Black is pure, it's clean, it's calming, it's mysterious, obscure, serene. Black shows impurities easily.
It is also associated with grief, sorrow, mourning.

Black has been my favourite "Lack" of colour to wear... since I was a young child, I never really liked nor enjoyed colors. I always went for darker colors, wine red, dark purple, royal blue, military green... not really the colors for a child, but they were my colors. Most children are forced to wear whatever is chosen for them, but I put up a resistance against girlie clothing, particularly pink. I hated pink, I mean I HATE pink... I also dislike yellow, green, orange... fuscia, neon... and all flashy colors! I don't dislike them on others... I just can't stand them being on me.

They make me feel like a traffic light that is out of order, flashing all colors at once!

Black is also the interpretation of my state of mind and being. Let's say I am in constant mourning, if you will.

I mourn the fate of humanity. I mourn people dying in the streets every day. I mourn the cruelty of human beings, I mourn the fate of every victim of bullying, religion, abuse, rape, war, and all forms of criminal minds.

Oh how noble of me you may say in a sarcastic tone... or worse... how emotional of me...? No my Dears, it's neither nor. I mainly mourn how small we are as humans, how mortal we are yet we inflate ourselves to think we are gods. We inflate ourselves to fill the emptiness inside of us. We buy things to make us feel important, we buy titles... we invest money.. we build big things... while we are still tiny creatures... we do not realize that we all will eventually turn into dust!

I wear black so you can see my true colors. I don't wear artificial colors to hide my ugliness behind them.

I am who I am, this is me, in black and white. In my world there is no grey zone.

I see good and evil. Two sides of the same coin. Two forces within each and every one of us... whichever we constantly feed, wins. It's as simple as that.

I maybe also wear black, so I can go about in the sea of colors... and go unseen, unstopped. Ever thought of that?

I've been called a bunch of different things due to the color of clothing I choose to put on myself.

People, relax... find something better to do. Really, read a book or something... go birdwatching, oh but no... you might even find something to criticize in those too!

Why do I even waste my time?!

Again, I am who I am. What you see is definitely not what you get. If you paint a picture of me the way you want me to be... you might just get what you wished for... not because what you think of me is true... but sometimes people just get what they deserve!

But then again, I still try to stay kind and not waste my energy on meaningless things...

Just saying...


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