You're a victim of domestic violence? Leave our country!

It's crazy how the law is divergent from common practice, even in the most "humanitarian" of countries of this planet.

It seems domestic violence is just another means to get attention, a pat on the back, cut ribbons and receive awards for the officials! While in reality, on the ground, in real life... the victims are being interrogated, subjected to a huge load of stress, trauma, insecurity, fear and invalidation... eventually to be expelled from countries that take pride in taking domestic violence seriously, or at least all websites and well paid advertisements say so.

The abuser walks free... because he/she's not the foreigner in the picture. And of course all foreigners are liars, gold diggers and after the country's and tax payer's hard work. Right? Wrong!

Of course some are like that, but in some western countries, you only have rights if you go as a refugee. If you move to the country because you are married to a local, you have no rights as you are a slave to your spouse. And that person has total control over your life. If they mistreat you and you ask for help from the police, they ask YOU to leave! If the spouse is a psycho, NO one diagnoses them, instead you are expelled from the country while they walk free to find the next and next and next victim!

It is so cruel to discover this web of lies being protected by the law instead of punished by it in the name of justice. It's disgusting to see that the truth, evidence, witnesses mean nothing as the abuser has the upper hand for the sole reason of being a local.

It's unfair that people see such cases and still decide to do nothing about them. That NGOs have no power, the police laughs at such matters and calls people who are in danger as cry babies.

If someone is new in a country and totally alone, in a life threatening situation, is it normal to call the police for protection/intervention?! Of course you might say? Well guess again.. because you might get a response like: "Why are you calling us?"... They wait for the person to get killed or deeply hurt before they take any action, and by then it's already too late for the victim. How is this right? How is this just? How is this humane treatment?!

It angers me how lightly such cases are being taken... not long ago a man shot his foreigner wife and her son in the face, while they were SLEEPING!!! The police said he denied shooting them... and that he has psychological issues.

PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES??? He's a KILLER! All killers OBVIOUSLY have psychological issues that should be treated BEFORE the crime happens!!! The woman had resorted to a crisis center a few days earlier to report the abuse, and was planning  to leave the house with her son the next day... but they were killed the same night!!! And the killer is in a psychiatric facility, living the life... pampered until he is ready to go out again and repeat his actions with a new victim.

When you see a person getting arrested one day in front of you in the street for stealing a vehicle, drug possession and almost running people over... and see that SAME person in the street the next day talking to a child...

When you find a bag of drugs and needles in a bush and call the police 7 times and wait for them two hours to come and check it out... and when they arrive, they laugh about it!!!

When a guest/speaker lady is attacked by police officers during a seminar coffee break outside a University building... for no reason and no apologies are made...

When people are paying income tax as an obligation and not receiving a penny back when they need it in a "oh so proud" welfare system, just because other foreigners have been lying before about their work situation... you are a foreigner, so you lose your rights!!!

Is this logical?

Is this fair?

Is it normal that in order to have a chance at getting called for a job interview you need to change your name to a local name?! Can you change your skin color? Yourself entirely?

Don't these practices generate hate??? Don't they???

How do such countries expect foreigners to get integrated when they are being discriminated for everything and anything, just because they are foreigners?! Regardless or your color, gender, ethnicity, education, work experience, background... you are ALWAYS the FIRST suspect!!!

This needs to change!!! This has to stop!!!

In the name of humanity, just STOP!

STOP hurting people in the name of law.

STOP using the law wrongly!

STOP traumatizing innocent people to protect criminals and liars!!!

Just take a deep breath, and STOP!

The law says:

"You are innocent until proven guilty!" Why does that turn into the actual victim being treated as "Guilty until proven innocent?"

Just saying...


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