Love for DUMMIES!

What matters the most?
To love someone and be with them for a short while as lovers... and grow apart then hate each other? Or sacrifice the love to keep the person in our life forever?

Would you decide to stay with someone if you knew for sure you would make them miserable and drag them down the hole with you... or would you set them free to watch them fly and enjoy life, without you... and fly back to you sometimes for a short hello... to breathe life back into you again?

Would you be able to handle years of knowing for sure you how you feel about this person... and still decide to not say a word... ?

Would you be able to be the friend, advise this person and help this person to get closer to everyone but you, while deep inside all you want is for him to love you?

Would you be as stupid as a sixteen year old girl who gave away the love of her life, because she was too afraid of what would happen if she stayed? Or would you be selfish and stay, and watch this person's smile fade away because of your complicated life?

It's hard to be 16... but it's definitely much harder being 35 with the weight and the guilt of nineteen years of regret... and still counting.

True love comes once in life... don't be too philosophical about it... life doesn't give second chances... people change... and what you walk away from will never walk back towards you.

If you love, love fully, intensely, madly, deeply... and don't think of what "might" happen... just take it as it comes... Give it your all, give it your best... and be at peace with yourself...

I wish I practiced what I now preach. But I was just 16... I was in love, I was intoxicated with the idea of being loved... it was too much, too new, too strong... and I thought I couldn't handle it because I was not aware of my real strength... I held myself back. I put the chains around my ankles... I planted the mind blocks... and now I regret. Was it worth it? No... Was he worth it? Yes... Was it worth breaking his heart for? No... Yet I did it... thinking he did not love me as deeply and as strongly...

How I was wrong...






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