
In my short days
I have encountered
Humans of many sorts...
The kind, the evil
The smart, the weasel
The nonchalant, the galant
The simple, the twisted...
The paranoid, the self righteous
The narcissist, the sadist
The victim, the drama queen...
I thought I had covered
All that's in between...

Until... I met you!

You... showed warmth
So intense... it melted me!
You... showed support
So strong... it lifted me!
You... offered a dream
Too good to be real
You... let me regain
My faith in humanity.

Little did I know...

All you wanted was
To melt me,
To lift me up so high...
Just to drop me hard
To break me...

Alas, my friend...
Little did you know...
I get stronger when on fire!

Nothing breaks someone
Who's already lost it all...
Nothing shakes someone
Who's not afraid to fall...
And I, my friend...
Am not built for failure...

I give thanks to you
For a lesson learned...

While I admire your
Self loathing...
Your anger...
While you...


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