The heart does not emphasize on color, race, gender, wealth, social status, bodyshape or any other shallow aspect when it loves. Love IS blind to all that societal mumbo jumbo... it's the mind that's the problem... You love your child even if he/she is ill, deformed, or even not up to the "standards of beauty". A child is a small human being now... you love it because it's innocent and harmless, he/she has no shame nor hand in the situation. That same child will become an adult, and will be loved by someone who remembers that this person was once a child, and love them the same way. Every person is someone's child... we have no say in what genes we carry... let's just understand this once and for all... no race is better than another. It's what you make of yourself that matters. How you build yourself, personality, knowledge and life. In a couple of hundred years there will be no more races... we will be so mixed that no person will b...