DIY Eco-friendly grocery bags!

Say NO to plastic!

For the last few years I've been trying to stay away from plastic bags when getting groceries. I monitored the household's production of plastic waste and I got 2kgs in two weeks and this is after making sure I don't buy unnecessary plastic. This is mostly due to the fact that almost every vegetable and fruit in Norway comes wrapped in lazy packs of 6 or so... in plastic!!! I have not used a single new plastic bag in nearly 4 years. I make my own soap, shampoo, detergents, and now shopping bags.
I just crocheted this cotton thread net bag that fits 2,5 kgs of medium sized potatoes (double the amount shown in the picture). It fits inside a child's palm and it only weighs 20g.
So from now on, I won't have to feel embarrassed nor waste people's time who are behind me in queue to wait for the cashier to weigh my dispersed mixed veggies!
I'll make you a bag if you want one!


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