How social media ruined social manners!

Someone once said: “There is no protocol for emails or messages on social media, since one is available when one wants, and when you do not want you just make yourself unavailable, is not like receiving a phone call or an SMS which has a more urgent connotation.” I argue very deeply with this statement. My mobile phone is my property, and it is part of my daily used items and I choose to use it as I please. However, if I wish to not be disturbed nor contacted in real life after “normal” socially accepted hours of the day, I expect the same rules to apply to contacting someone on their phone, be it through a phone call or through social media.

Disturbing someone early in the morning or late at night just because you are bored is RUDE. Others don’t decide for me on how I should use my phone. I don’t have to switch it off to make them understand that they are not supposed to call me late at night. I need my phone to stay on at night for emergencies, and emergencies only. As for the internet, I am free to keep it switched on at night, I personally update software during that time, and I am not willing to delay things I need to do because of some people with no manners who will keep bugging me all night on social media just because they are bored and have nothing better to do.
Just because you have the tools and the means to contact anyone at any time, does NOT mean you should! Know your limits, we are not raised by wolves! There is no protocol for social media… true; however we are the same people with or without social media. Being rude online is not justified by the lack of a written protocol. This is just like when someone is so strict and respectful daily in their home country until they go on vacation in some third world country and create havoc there just because they can. What logic is this? If I tell someone I don’t want you to send me any messages between such and such hours, that person should be respectful of my own life rules, both in real life and on the web.

Just saying... 


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