Since the beginning of time, human beings tried to communicate, being by sounds, gestures, noise, music, signals, or facial expressions...

Communication has been the two edged sword that could save a life or start a war... if misheld or misused.

The human race has since "advanced", invented hundreds of languages, alphabets, texts... calligraphy styles... yet we still managed to mess every single one up in the last little over a decade, with our claim that there is NO TIME to anything anymore.

Cell phones were made so that people could connect with each other, call each other on the go and communicate in both normal and emergency circumstances. The first cell phones invented had one function, and one function only: Calling and receiving calls.

The next step was to add the SMS or GSM messaging... where people could start sending written text messages to each other to not "bother" each other with a random call.

As the years passed, and with software such as MIRC, MSN, YAHOO, and other messengers... people used their stationary computers to reach new horizons on the internet...

On mobile phones, users started creating shortcuts for words, the first excuse was that calls and messages are too expensive, so writing SMS in shortcuts would allow the user to write more with less letters... Suddenly that habit became acceptable by everyone.

Then that habit switched to online communication softwares... then the LOL, LMAO, ROFLMAO etc... fashion hit the masses! To the point that people started using them in spoken aloud conversations, so instead of actually laughing out loud, some would just say LOL.

Just today, I had a long discussion with a friend who has been using extreme shortcuts in all our online conversations to the point that my eyes felt that they are going to bleed... words were missing all vowels... slang shortcuts were used, even shorthand note takers don't do this!

So I faced this friend with my discomfort towards this, and I was faced by: "Take it easy, it's all over the world."

This is when I snapped!

Just because something is widespread, does not make it alright. It does not force me to accept it if it bothers me. The world does not revolve around me, I know, I'm not that self-centered, but if I have to squint my eyes and try to make out/guess what a perfectly capable person is trying to write... just because that person "has no time" to type the correct form of the word to me... well why have that conversation to begin with? If you have no time to talk to me then why bother?! Finish what you have to do and talk to me when you have time for me. If you don't, that's also fine.

Just because rape, hatred, weapons, idiots, laziness, and other bad things are widespread... does not mean I have to accept them.

Don't get me wrong, shorthand writing is very handy, when you're taking quick notes... at school, university, in a meeting... etc... But let's face it, sometimes we don't even understand our own shorthand writings afterwards... but nobody else has to decipher that but us!

On the other hand, let's stop hiding behind this stupid excuse called TIME. We keep saying we have no time, and we have to rush... and run... and do things in a hurry. Slow down!!!

Take a breath! Inhale, exhale... repeat!

We have 24 hours a day. We have enough time for everything! How about we cut down on those SELFIES on SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM, and other social media... and dedicate five minutes, not more... to family and friends every day. Is that too much to ask for or have we become too much of a narcissist that it's really that hard to think about anyone else but ourselves?

Social media was intended to bring people together... to break the distance between people. However, unfortunately most of the people on social media are living a lie. A fake alternative life that they would like to show about themselves.

How many of us have witnessed "friends" sitting at a restaurant or cafe... just looking at their phones or just clicking pictures and posting them instantly on social media... then leaving without even having one meaningful conversation with each other?!

How many people do we see in the streets conversing nowadays? I don't mean the elderly or the small children... I mean the youth and young adults... up to the 55-60 years of age, if I can stretch it that far.

All I am trying to say is life is short... yes you're allowed to take nice pictures and post them on instagram, yes it's ok to look pretty in all your pictures... but there's a difference between knowing that you're doing that for fun... or just because you're totally insecure about yourself in real life.

Real life is what matters, you can't hide your face from your own eyes forever, there will be a time when you will wake up and look in your own mirror... will you recognize yourself?

In five, ten, fifteen or even twenty years... will all this still matter? What about people? Family, friends, relationships... adventures, real life laughter and goofy encounters... all the things you're missing out on now... in the name of "I HAVE NO TIME"... wake up before it's too late for you.

The world... doesn't really care, it was here before us, and will surely be here after us. So let's make a positive change... and stop making fools out of ourselves! No time is NOT a good enough excuse! MAKE TIME!

Just saying.


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