1. Do you notice that they tend to talk badly about others?

2. Do they have a tendency to be negative most of the time?

3. Do they talk more than they listen?

4. Are they always right? (Or think they are)

5. Do they tend to force relationships with others? (Even friendships)

6. Do they judge everything based on their personal experiences?

7. Do you catch them lying too often?

8. Do they need to assert superiority by being vocally brutal?

9. Do you feel like nothing you say or do is good enough?

10. Do they drag out your past and not allow you to be different from it?

11. Do they violate your boundaries and never respect your "no"?

12. Do they tend to not care about others' feelings and like to see them suffer?

13. Does everything have to always be about them? What they think, feel and want?

14. Do they take a lot from you and give you very little?

15. Are they easily bored and need constant stimulation?

16. Do they make you feel like you owe them something?

17. Do you sometimes suspect they don't care about you?

19. Do they tend to blame others and not take responsibility for their actions?

20. Do they downplay your interests and feelings?

If you have answered YES to at least 8 out of 20 above questions, you, my friend are dealing with a narcissistic toxic person. The only way to win with a toxic person is NOT TO PLAY! Whatever the situation is, just cut your losses and get out, move away and don't look back.

On the other hand, do you do any of the things above? Sometimes we can be toxic to others, if you notice yourself doing the above things, try to work on yourself, try to show more empathy, listen more than you talk, show genuine interest in others, keep your trouble to yourself every once in a while, be happy for others when they succeed, try not to turn all conversations towards yourself, don't make everything about you. Share only the necessary with others, and when they show genuine interest in knowing more about you, open up carefully and don't our all your exaggerated drama onto their shoulders, treat others like you would like others to treat you.

Just saying...


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